I have been egregiously delinquent in my blogging! That ends right now.
So here is the super cute entry way. Yes, it's adorable. And believe me...it was the nicest place we looked at. We don't have bug problems...or intruder problems...both of which would have to ring the bell in order to get in.
Here is our living room with a view into the office/bar. Please pay attention to the pillows on the couch, I made those from fabric I bought at ikea (before I started school of course, now I barely have time to bathe).
Another living room picture. Miranda - did you notice the glass on the table?! I finally found a great place for it!The bar/desk (i.e. the place where I spend most of my time).
Another view of our dining room/bar/office which is slightly less pathetic than the last picture. On the bar is my dry erase white board where I write all of my happenings! I update it a million times a day, it's pretty sad.
The kitchen....we really don't use this room! Haha.
A picture of the two most luxurious items in our apartment - a stove and a fridge. It is basic city in California!
Our Bedroom. We need a bed skirt like woah. The white package under the bed is my wedding dress!
Alright, that is it for now. Check back later for updates and thanks for reading!
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